Da 15,00  IVA Incl.

goes well with red meats and game, medium and aged cheeses
18-20 °C
30 min.
wide cup to best enjoy the aromas and body of a full-bodied wine

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Energetic, tenacious and vigorous is the Irpinia Aglianico D.O.C. from Contrada winery produced exclusively in the area of origin.
A ruddy, magnetic red wine, Contrada Aglianico enthralls with its varied bouquet: red fruits and cherry, vanilla, tabasco and coffee.
Warm in the mouth, with hints of spice, it is a round wine that restores to taste and smell all the enchantment of its stay in French oak barrels. Irpinia Aglianico DOC espalier with spurred cordon pruning 100% Aglianico grape

Additional information


Carton of 6 bottles, Single



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